one of the most versatile artists of the Netherlands

Luistermutant (2021)

Programmatekst Klassieke muziek en ‘serious games’ in een radicaal luisterlabyrint Het is 2021 en voor de negentiende-eeuwse componist Mendelssohn is het erop of eronder. Houdt zijn muziekzich staande in...  Read More

Raak me aan (2019)

For actress and violin, both amplified. Text by the composer, produced by Festival Woordnacht. Duration: 20′  Read More

Wie is er dan (2018)

Performance for 3 actors. Commissioned by Festival Woordnacht Rotterdam Performers: Chiara Tissen, Rosa van Leeuwen, Yorick Heerkens Duration: 7′  Read More

Stemmen (2016)

A theatricalisation of the work “Ja Ja Ja Ne Ne Ne’ (1968) by Joseph Beuys. Performer: Yorick Heerkens Commissioned by Theater Frascati and Jonas Staal to function as an...  Read More

Het Pianopanorama (2000)

Music theatre performance for 7 actors and 3 pianists (all female) in an especially designed space for a city square. Commissioned by the Branding Festival, produced by theatre company...  Read More