one of the most versatile artists of the Netherlands
Conducted repertoire

Opera and Ballet

Barber, Samuel – A Hand of Bridge Bizet, Georges/Constant, Marius – La Tragédie de Carmen Debussy, Claude – Fanfare et la Mort de Cordelia Loevenskjoeld, Herman – La Sylphide...  Read More


Aa, Michel van der – Attach Aa, Michel van der – Between Adriaansz, Peter – 3-pt. Melodies, Variations and Objects Adriaansz, Peter – Om Jou Alwyn, William – Concerto...  Read More

Orchestra with Soloist(s)

Aa, Michel van der – Spaces of blank, for mezzo soprano and orchestra Adriaansz, Peter – #44, for narrating poet and orchestra Andriessen, Louis – Rosa Suite, for Soprano,...  Read More


Aa, Michel van der – See-through Adams, John – A short ride in a fast machine Adams, John – Lollapalooza Adriaansz, Peter – Comfort Barber, Samuel    – Adagio for...  Read More